2013年4月2日 星期二
Server rename後HP SMH出現SSL (https) connection have been replaced
Error message:
The certificate and keys used by SMH to establish SSL (https) connection have been replaced. This can happen due to any one the following reasons: the previous version is deleted (accidentally or maliciously), the previous version is replaced by another application (HP SIM replaces the certificate and keys when installed on top of SMH). Take the appropriate action after verifying the status of the previous version.
rename the file /opt/hp/hpsmh/conf/smhCertDate.txt and restart the service hpsmhd.
2013年2月7日 星期四
如何修改 mgmt_view 密碼
修改mgmt_view password 導致grid control report 不能使用。 username/password 錯誤。這個用戶是專門為report 用戶使用,用戶可以不用知道密碼,也可以是使用加密後的密碼登陸。如果直接使用alter user mgmt_view identified by xxx , 那麼report 就不能登陸了。所以修改mgmt_view 的順序:1. alter user mgmt_view identified by xxx2.cd $OMS_HOME/bin
emctl config oms -change_view_user_pwd [-sysman_pwd] [-user_pwd ] [-auto_generate] 3. emctl stop oms4. emctl start omsML:Grid Control Repository: How to Change the Password of the MGMT_VIEW User? [ID 374382.1]
emctl config oms -change_view_user_pwd [-sysman_pwd
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